“Global South—rich in natural resources and home to young, growing populations—is a key partner in addressing global challenges such as climate change, migration, and sustainable development. The fact that the Global South needs an ‘agency’ and a voice represents a unique opportunity for the Nordic countries to foster these partnerships through their commitment to multilateralism and sustainability. By embracing the Global South and supporting a multipolar world order, we can build a resilient, balanced global system that encourages shared prosperity and diverse leadership.”

(Passage from the Daniel A. van Iterson‘s summary of the Finnish President Mr. Alexander Stubbs’s lecture at BI 16th October.)

Last Wednesday, our Chair Cecilie Jernæs Arildset, along with board members Aki Johannes Viitala and Fatmir Nikqi, attended a lecture at the BI Norwegian Business School given by the Finnish President, Mr. Alexander Stubb. The passage above, summarizing key content from the lecture, also illustrates our raison d’être. Our core mission is to strengthen ties between Norwegian and Finnish businesses. This mission comes to life and gains new momentum in moments like Wednesday’s lecture. As Nordic countries, we may be small when facing the global market, but together we can become much stronger, building a national competitive advantage through cooperation and synergies between our countries. Cooperation enables us to create robust value chains in a sustainable and responsible manner.

To realize the potential of cooperation and activate existing business synergies between our countries, the aforementioned ‘agency’ must move from political speeches to the grassroots level, creating forums where bonds can be built and new business relationships can begin. Starting these relationships is not sufficient; cooperation requires continuity. For this reason, our chamber exists: to provide a meeting ground for businesses in both countries, where these relationships can be fostered and sustained.

Understanding the market and the investment landscape, particularly concerning the twin transition—which was discussed at NHO event later that same day—does not develop overnight and requires presence. This market insight, along with network access, is what we offer to all our members.

To read more about the exciting day our board members and Chair Cecilie had, please see her inspiring post below. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Embassy of Finland in Oslo, Business Finland and its skilled employees in Oslo, BI Norwegian Business School, NHO and all arranging parties for the opportunity to join these special moments and for allowing us to continue building bridges between businesses in these two Nordic countries.

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